Friday, July 3, 2009


Dr. Terry Dubrow's wife, Heather Paige Kent, star of the CBS drama That's Life, awoke one morning, appalled. "Terry, look at my face! I've totally broken out. I'm due on the set in three days. Is there anything you can do?"

Of course, Heather knew that her husband, a board-certified plastic surgeon and director of the Acne Clinic of Newport Beach, California, had been working on protocols to cure acne quickly and safely. What she didn't yet know was that he had finally found the answer. The panic she felt was based on her assumption that acne is only partially treatable, if at all.

That assumption is false. This is the truth:

"Using the techniques outlined in this book, acne can be completely eliminated in 95 percent of all cases-even the most severe ones-in 6 weeks or less. These techniques start to work in 24 hours."

In the remaining 5 percent of the cases, the Acne Cure program will generally reduce the severity of acne. Later in the book, we will discuss what additional steps you can take to get rid of the remaining traces of the disease-even the toughest cases.

Wheather you're White, Black, Asian, or Hispanic; whether you're a teenage boy with pimples or a mature man sufferrazor bumps and ingrown beard hairs; whether you're a teenage girl who feels she can't get a date because of her zits, or a woman whose face is disfigured by the blotchy inflammation of severe acne, your condition can be cured.

When we say "cured," we mean that in almost all cases-even the thoughest-the acne cure program we describe in this book will eliminate virtually all blemishes, inflammation, redness, whiteheads, and blackheads within no more than 6 weeks. Milder cases may be resolved in only a few days or even-as in Heather's case-overnight.

Sure, there may be recurrences (although they are unlikely if you stick to the maintenance program), but they too can be rapidly resolved, usually in just a few days.

And if that isn't a cure, we don't know what is!

Some purists argue that getting rid of the symptoms but knowing that in some cases they may return means that this is not a full cure. All we know is that, like hundreds of Dr. Dubrow's other patients, male and female, Heather's acne disappeared. Three days after her skin eruptions, Heather went back to work with a smile on her face and not a blemish in sight.

In the next few chapters, we will describe exactly how the cure works. However, first you have to understand what skin is, how it works, and what you can do to keep it healthy throughout your life.

Not only is healthy skin less likely to be attacked by acne or other skin diseases, but it also looks so much better.

And who doesn't want young-looking, healthy, glowing acne-free skin?