Monday, August 31, 2009

Skin Care for Different Skin Types

⊙ Dry Skin

Dry skin is easy to have keratin (dead layered skin on your skin) due to lack of sebum excretion. The most sophisticated skin care with minimum irritation is required for this type of skin. Basic skin care should be provided more carefully due to the skin's sensitivity.

For dry skin, excessive exfoliation will make the skin even drier. Look for the exfoliating product that has minimal irritation to your skin. People with dry skin will have benefits using cleansing cream and cleansing foams that provide sufficient hydration to your skin.

Since it is easier for dry skin to be lack of both moisture and oil in skin especially during fall season when air is the most dry throughout the year, you should strive to keep the balance of oil and moisture in order to prevent your skin from dryness.

Tips for dry skin:
1. Facial massages using convenient facial mask sheets that provide sufficient moisture to your skin. Recommended to use 3 times a week.
2. Use exfoliating products only once a week. Gently massage while applying.
3. Drink a lot of water to keep your body moisturized.
4. Eat cucumbers every day.

⊙ Combination Skin

If you have a combination skin, your skin is healthy and well balanced with moderate amount of sweat and sebum excretions. Since you rarely notice severe skin problems, it is easy to be negligent in skin care for this type.

Be diligent in your daily skin care since people with combination skin can maintain clean and clear skin just with a basic care. But be cautious about your skin during changing seasons because the balance of your skin can be broken during those times. As I mentioned for dry skin, combination skin can be drier during fall. Thus, pay more attention to provide enough moisture to your skin during this time.

Use double cleansing method for washing your face.

Tips for combination skin:
1. Deep cleansing
2. Facial mask sheets recommended to keep your skin moisture. 2 times a week
3. Essence massage using facial masks
4. Homemade facial recipes - cucumber, yogurt etc

⊙ Oily Skin

The most troubled skin type. Oily skin is easy to have skin problems such as breakouts, acne, blackheads and large pores etc due to excessive sweat and sebum secretion. Due to excessive sebum secretion, this type of skin is easy to accumulate impurities and wastes in pores unless thick keratin is removed by exfoliation. Furthermore, if thick keratin blocks the entrance of pores, this will cause acne and pimples. For oily skin, pay extra attention to exfoliating and use the proper cleansing methods. It is very important to manage your pores using oil free cleansing products, foam cleanser and effective exfoliating products to remove keratin. Use a steamed towel to cover your face in order to open up the pores. Then, apply exfoliating products to remove wastes blocking your pores. Carefully manage around the T-zone area where larger pores exist and even more excessive sebum secretion occurs. Make sure to avoid accumulation of thick keratin around the area.

Tips for oily skin:
1. Exfoliating your skin - Remove keratin and maintain clean pores
2. Deep cleansing
3. Facial masks strongly recommended - Helps maintain balance of your skin and keep your skin moisturized.
4. Homemade facial recipes - carrot, egg white etc.